Friday, June 4, 2010

My original idea for this blog post was to show off my newest talent...sewing. I was going to post pictures of the outfits I had recently made Abby. I started thinking about how I did not know how to sew a year ago today. That got me thinking about how much my life has changed in a year.

A year ago today...

I was flying private jets around the country bringing lifesaving organs home to those who were dying.

I was scrubbing in at the operating table with some of the top surgeons in the nation.

My closet was full of scrubs.

I thought sleep deprivation followed one night of call.

I did not know Yo Gabba Gabba or the Imagination Movers.

I had lost contact with a dear friend from highschool.

I did laundry once a week.

I enjoyed my cat.

I could sing any song on top 20 on 20 (well, I could attempt to sing any song).

I did not have Good Night Moon memorized.

I could sleep past 7:00 on the weekend.

Weekends were for relaxing.

There was such thing as "running" into a store.

Errands were easy.

I was selfish. Life revolved around me. But a year ago today I did not know what it was like to love someone with every fiber of my being. I did not know sacrificial love. I had never looked into the eyes of my child and felt so helpless and dependent on the Lord's guidance. The year has brought many changes to my life. I thrived on adrenaline and selfish ambition. Now I am at the mercy of a 7 month old who has turned my life upside down. I would never go back to life as it was a year ago today.


  1. What a beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder to be grateful for the little things that sometimes seem so bothersome. Have a good weekend!

  2. I'm so glad you wrote this. I often think of life before the kiddos, although some sleep would be nice, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world. I'm sooo proud of the mom you have become. I love the part about trusting the Lord with Abby...SO true.

    Love you friend :)

  3. LOVE this post. Chris and I talk about "before" kids all the time and really we decided it was boring!! What blessings we have and I am so thankful God has our babies the same age so they can be dear friends and we are close again!! love you!! dana
