Friday, April 6, 2012

Hampton's First Month/ Newborn Pictures

Hampton is six weeks old! I totally missed his one month post due to a stint in the hospital. Hampton spent his one month birthday at Children's Hospital having surgery to correct an anatomical abnormality in his stomach/small intestine. He is doing so much better now and I am really trying to soak in this infant stage knowing it won't last forever.

Weight: 10 lbs 2 oz
Height: 21.5 inches
Sleep: 8:30-2:30 am and then 4-6

Due to a lack of pictures this month, I am going to post his newborn pictures that my friend Caroline took at 10 days old.


  1. Hey Melanie! I clicked out of google reader to post a comment saying that my favorite picture is the one of Abby kissing sweet Hampton and once on your blog I saw you have it as the header. What a precious picture!!! Abby has the most beautiful hair. I hope you have adjusted to life with 2. It is SO much fun!!!

  2. So so sweet! And he's sleeping well. Woohoo!! Hope the new house is feeling like home and Abby is adjusting well to little brother too! Happy Easter Andersons!

  3. he is so precious., love the pictures. so glad he is doing better now! congrats again
